The Role of Catholic Church in Curbing Economic Hardship in Ekwulobia, Anambra State

Chika Nkiru IkeORCID icon & Victor Chukwuebuka OmekeORCID icon

Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies | Vol 12, No 2 | © 2024 Chika Nkiru Ike & Victor Chukwuebuka Omeke |This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0

Submitted: 30 May 2024 | Published: 20 Sept., 2024

About the author(s)

Chika Nkiru Ike is a Lecturer at Madonna University, Okija.

Victor Chukwuebuka Omeke is a postgraduate student in the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

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Economic hardship has become a pervasive challenge in contemporary Nigeria, threatening the welfare of citizens. The struggle for survival has intensified, with traditional means of livelihood proven insufficient to support families. Ekwulobia, Anambra State, is particularly affected, with a geometric increase in food costs compromising nutrition and well-being. This study argues that the Catholic Church plays a vital part in addressing hardship challenges prevalent in Ekwulobia, Anambra State, Nigeria. By adopting the teachings and practices of Jesus Christ towards the destitute, the Church provides sustainable livelihoods, improve nutrition, and enhance the well-being of the affected population. This research employs a phenomenological approach to explore the Church’s potential response to economic hardship in Ekwulobia, with an emphasis on: understanding the reasons for economic hardship in Ekwulobia, Examining the Church’s beliefs and customs on poverty alleviation etc. The study posits that the Catholic Church’s intervention can significantly alleviate economic hardship in Ekwulobia by addressing the immediate needs of the affected population and promoting sustainable livelihoods. The findings suggest that the Catholic Church in Ekwulobia adopts a more proactive role in addressing economic hardship through sustainable livelihood programs and social services.


Role, Catholic Church, Curbing, Economic hardship, Ekwulobia



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